References: Coral AI
Do one thing and do it well.
Every story has a beginning and an end.
Do one thing and do it well.
Every story has a beginning and an end.
References: Coral AI
upgrade my k8s production cluster from v1.24.4 t v1.25.0
今天我将自运营的kubernetes生产环境集群升级到了v1.25.0,升级过程中遇到了一个问题,集群中使用了PodSecurityPolicy,然而在kube v1.25.0中PodSecurityPolicy已经被移除,并且被pod security admission(psa)取代。于是我需要将PodSecurityPolicy合并到psa中。对此我对psa进行了一些调研。
openEBS 分布式文件系统架构
K8s的前身google Borg