Talk about investment

Fickle investments Most of the time we hear about investments like, oh, he made millions a year speculating in real estate, oh, people made millions by speculating in coins and achieved wealth freedom. We ourselves also look forward to seize some speculative areas to achieve huge wealth income in a relatively short period of time, however, the reality is that most people will go to collision luck, if they own a certain investment product turned tens or even hundreds of times, then you yourself have achieved financial freedom, here is a key factor, is the ability of individuals to resist risk, if a person can not resist in the investment process to lose If a person cannot resist losing most of their money in the process of investing, then I like to call the investment a flashy one, because the investor’s aim is to get rich in a short time and forget about the risks, which is my personal least favorite way of investing. ...

June 3, 2021 · 2 min · alexchen

Dancing on String

Went to a String Dance concert by Sue Fay Yang (classical guitar) and Ramon Wong (violin) on Friday night, with music mostly from their classical music album «Milonga Del Angel» recorded together in 2018. I recommend my favorite tunes: the first is of course Piazzolla’s free tango, “Cuatro Tangos: Libertango”, which starts with a fast-paced melody and then adds a slightly melancholic melody, which is how life is, happy and sad at the same time. ...

September 19, 2020 · 2 min · alexchen

Love Violin Play

To Do DeadLine: 2020-08-20

August 10, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen