
Sculpting in time

Do one thing and do it well.
Every story has a beginning and an end.

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After I joined the sparkpool team with the job of Devops in 2018, I broadened my knowledge of digital cryptocurrencies, and in these close to four years of work, I learned about digital finance and traditional financial system, what is a sound monetary system, the difference between cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies, so to speak, at sparkpool I learned a lot of financial knowledge, and also taught myself the technology related to cutting-edge such as deep learning and quantitative…

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Continuing from the previous article on NFS file systems, the current requirement is to be able to control the applications running in the cluster. For example, if we need to run parallel cross-node program A, we need to schedule and stop the running program B. This requires building a messaging system that can perform operational tasks based on message drivers.

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