Blender Art of Creating Protein 3D Structures 1
What is Blender Blender is an open source 3D modeling program, which I have been learning in order to use digital painting MattePainting techniques in creating short films, such as asset creation and 2.5D compositing in scene widening, and the corresponding commercial modeling programs are Maya, 3DCoat, 3dsMax, SideFx, Houdini. The advantage of Blender over commercial modeling programs is that first, it is an open source program, and second, the whole modeling system has a self-contained workflow, from modeling, mapping, bone binding, animation, compositing, and rendering output, all can be done in Blendr. The current version of Blender has been in continuous iteration, and the whole system has started to use more and more advanced technologies, such as the use of EEVEE real-time rendering engine, which reduces production costs when making and rendering animations. ...