
Sculpting in time

Do one thing and do it well.
Every story has a beginning and an end.

luthier Piotr Pielaszek

Custom violin made by Piotr Pielaszek

2-Minute Read

Piotr Pielaszek has always been in contact with instruments and the violin making world, as his father is a violin maker in Poland as well. Piotr studied cello from an early age, and at 16, moved to Poznan to begin violin making studies at a musical high school. After finishing high school, Piotr became a violin making student at the Musical Academy in Poznan. He completed his bachelor studies and received a diploma with distinction.

Art and Fear

Talent is a gift, but creation is always an effort.

3-Minute Read

It took me two weeks to finish this book, Art and Fear, which deals with the problems of creating art, as opposed to Hackers and Painters, which deals with the dilemmas of exploring one’s own field and how to deal with them.

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