News of SARS COV 2 MiniProtein Binder

Rosetta@home Newly discovered computer-synthesized drug that inhibits SARS-Cov-2, paper published in Science Science, [De novo design of picomolar SARS-CoV-2 miniprotein inhibitors](https:// The following graph shows the current contribution of own arithmetic power. Explanation of paper content Doing…

September 10, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen

Automate Analyse Covid 19 XRay Image by DeepLearning

The animation program code is as follows: lung-3D.nb lung3d = AnatomyPlot3D[lung anatomical structure, PlotTheme->"XRay"] gif = {}; Do[ image = ImageResize[ Show[lung3d, ViewPoint -> {3 Cos[x], 3 Sin[x], 0}, ViewAngle -> 20 Degree], {256, 256}]; gif = Append[gif, image], {x, 0, 2 Pi, 0.1}] Export["lung-3D.gif", gif, "AnimationRepetitions" -> Infinity ] image = ImageResize[ Show[lung3d, ViewPoint -> {3 Cos[Pi/2], 3 Sin[Pi/2], 0}, ViewAngle -> 20 Degree], {512, 512}] Training datasets covid-chestxray-dataset ...

July 13, 2020 · 19 min · alexchen

Rosetta Project Update 2020 06 26

The Rosetta@home project computationally generated and used in animal experiments an immune protein for SARS-COV-2 that could serve to protect animals from a lethal new coronavirus, which is still in the experimental phase and is being optimized. Since the beginning of April, I have run 35 Raspberry Pi 4Gs (140 cores, 280W total power consumption) to join the Rosetta@home project, and I hope to have more new results about this research project in the next six months, so it will be worth the cost of electricity and hardware. ...

June 26, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen

Against CoVid-2019

For a short video please click here About distributed computing projects I first encountered distributed computing projects during my high school graduation, and ran Boinc distributed computing platform on my laptop, the most famous of which is [seti@home](https://setiathome.berkeley .edu), the Boinc platform was developed for this project. The idea of distributed computing is that the master server splits a task into several small tasks, assigns these small tasks to the clients for computing, and sends the results of the small tasks to the master server after the clients finish computing, and the master server aggregates the results of these computations to get the execution results of the task. ...

April 24, 2020 · 14 min · alexchen