Proof of Deep Learning BlockChain

The last two days the company planned a hackathon competition, they simply signed up to participate, thinking that they are currently researching the topic of deep learning, on the Google search blockchain deep learning, and finally found this paper Energy-recycling Blockchain with Proof-of-Deep-Learning, and then developed a PoDL chain for storing deep models along the lines of the paper, which is presented below, followed by Mathematica and Python implementations. Program Code. ...

August 4, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen

Wolfram 2020 08 20 Lecture

Wolfram 2020 08-20 China Student Ambassador Presentation The following topics are of interest to me, and I am currently starting my own business in Wolfram and Python, with Wolfram being the main language for prototyping and exploring initial ideas. After watching the following presentations, I will focus on biomedical and retinal image analysis as a deep learning research topic. 18:00-19:00 Jingxian Wang, Department of Physics, Peking University. Meta-programming Basis in Mathematica. ...

July 28, 2020 · 3 min · alexchen

Automate Analyse Covid 19 XRay Image by DeepLearning

The animation program code is as follows: lung-3D.nb lung3d = AnatomyPlot3D[lung anatomical structure, PlotTheme->"XRay"] gif = {}; Do[ image = ImageResize[ Show[lung3d, ViewPoint -> {3 Cos[x], 3 Sin[x], 0}, ViewAngle -> 20 Degree], {256, 256}]; gif = Append[gif, image], {x, 0, 2 Pi, 0.1}] Export["lung-3D.gif", gif, "AnimationRepetitions" -> Infinity ] image = ImageResize[ Show[lung3d, ViewPoint -> {3 Cos[Pi/2], 3 Sin[Pi/2], 0}, ViewAngle -> 20 Degree], {512, 512}] Training datasets covid-chestxray-dataset ...

July 13, 2020 · 19 min · alexchen

Rosetta Covid 19 Seminar

Video address of the online seminar The screenshots in the article are from the presentation of the seminar. Since I am not a biology major, and I am interested in viral protein research, I learned some basic knowledge about protein folding, and then I watched the seminar, the first 40 minutes could be roughly understood, but in the second half was confused, perhaps because of the lack of molecular biology knowledge, I share some of my own knowledge from the video (multiple images). ...

July 7, 2020 · 5 min · alexchen

Tensorflow Lite quantification

TFlite Composition tensorflow lite interpreter Derivation on deployed hardware, which can include cell phones, microcontrollers, embedded devices. Tensorflow Lite Converter Convert models to make them smaller and reason faster. TFlite Converter Tensorflow Converter can convert models to FlatBuffers format. FlatBuffers is a cross-platform serialization tool where structured data is stored in binary form and can be used in the following ways The performance on the microcontroller is memory saving. Python Keras Converter: ...

July 2, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen