TIDB Architecture

Reference TIDB architecture Why use TIDB the architecture used by the machine is ARM64. 2. trying to use a distributed database architecture. solve the high availability problem, when a Raspberry Pi database node is down, it will not affect the data writing. compared vitess and TIDB, TIDB is more compatible with ARM64, easy to start experimenting. prepare for the financial trading system later. Architecture Components and functions TIDB Server TIDB Server is a stateless application, it does not store data itself, load balancing can be placed in front, external application requests to nodes in TIDB Cluster, TIDB server will analyze and calculate the SQL requested by the application and forward the request to the underlying data store TiKV. ...

January 4, 2022 · 2 min · alexchen

OpenEBS Container Attached Storage

Images From Openebs Preface About OpenEBS OpenEBS is an open source storage project running on Kubernets, in line with the CAS (Container Attached Storage) architecture. All of its components run at the user level and belong to the cloud-native distributed file system on k8s. OpenEBS file system provides the following categories of features , each feature can be used in a particular environment solution . cStor: supports fault tolerance, high availability, replica copy, snapshot, clone, etc. Its backend is supported by ZFS. ...

October 18, 2020 · 11 min · alexchen

ACM Professional Membership

Sidebar Behind why deep learning is so powerful, we can think of the human brain’s neurons, which individually can’t do anything, but a bunch of neurons together are immensely powerful. Watch a movie about how cells and proteins work in living things, and be amazed at how tiny microscopic worlds can work in such subtle ways. Inner Life Of A Cell - Full Version Sometimes when I think about the above questions, I get the urge to learn more about how the world works, whether human communication can be likened to molecular interactions, why a bunch of >neurons put together can create intelligent life forms, how the free consciousness of such life forms is formed, how the transfer of information between neurons is encoded, and what is happening at a deeper level. Whether the field of study can continue to exploit certain features of the brain > neurons to enhance the design of models. ...

September 9, 2020 · 2 min · alexchen

History of Kubernets

Kubernets Wiki Recently read [Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/ archive/43438.pdf), Borg is Google’s own internal development of a set of cluster management system, and then the open source community slowly began to incubate and launch the Kubernets cluster management system, k8s and Borg has a very deep relationship of origin. Starting with Kubernets, let’s look at the components of K8s: Kubelet Kubelet runs on every node and manages the containers on the node. ...

September 7, 2020 · 7 min · alexchen