Renderman24 Will Support Blender

Renderman for Blender Livestorm Pixar Renderman will officially release Renderman 24 in 2021-Q1, which will fully support Blender 2.83+. Renderman is an industrial-grade digital film production rendering engine, most of the Pixar animated movies are made with Renderman for photo-grade rendering. Among the supported features, I value the support for Render to Viewport, Grease Pencil, and in our own image analysis projects afterwards, we will use Blender 2.8~2.9 a lot to render real-grade images, provide data for models, and RM’s own XPU rendering technology, which can render images on both CPU and GPU and GPU at the same time. ...

September 4, 2020 · 2 min · alexchen

Art and Fear

It took me two weeks to finish this book, Art and Fear, which deals with the problems of creating art, as opposed to Hackers and Painters, which deals with the dilemmas of exploring one’s own field and how to deal with them. I’ve extracted some of the key phrases so that I can try my own creative path over and over again in the future. There is a fundamental difference between creating and appreciating a work of art: the viewer is supposed to be moved by the work, enjoy it, or spend time with it, while you are supposed to learn how to create. ...

August 23, 2020 · 3 min · alexchen

Story of Your Life

To Do DeadLine: 2020-08-30

August 11, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen

The Power of Cinema

June 28, 2020 · 0 min · alexchen

MattePainting 电影里的魔术师1

June 11, 2020 · 0 min · alexchen