Summary of the Wolfram 2020 08 China Student Ambassador Presentation

Tonight, I attended the Wolfram 2020 08-20 China Student Ambassador Presentation via Zoom. During the intermission, I won a grand prize of 3000RMB worth of System Modeler modeling program, which I am going to install on my MacBookPro to study various physical and biological modeling. If you are interested in Mathematica, you can attend Wolfram 2020/09/08 China Virtual Technology Conference, where many big names will be speaking. Mathematica Metaprogramming speaker’s Github address ...

August 20, 2020 · 3 min · alexchen

Wolfram 2020 08 20 Lecture

Wolfram 2020 08-20 China Student Ambassador Presentation The following topics are of interest to me, and I am currently starting my own business in Wolfram and Python, with Wolfram being the main language for prototyping and exploring initial ideas. After watching the following presentations, I will focus on biomedical and retinal image analysis as a deep learning research topic. 18:00-19:00 Jingxian Wang, Department of Physics, Peking University. Meta-programming Basis in Mathematica. ...

July 28, 2020 · 3 min · alexchen

Automate Analyse Covid 19 XRay Image by DeepLearning

The animation program code is as follows: lung-3D.nb lung3d = AnatomyPlot3D[lung anatomical structure, PlotTheme->"XRay"] gif = {}; Do[ image = ImageResize[ Show[lung3d, ViewPoint -> {3 Cos[x], 3 Sin[x], 0}, ViewAngle -> 20 Degree], {256, 256}]; gif = Append[gif, image], {x, 0, 2 Pi, 0.1}] Export["lung-3D.gif", gif, "AnimationRepetitions" -> Infinity ] image = ImageResize[ Show[lung3d, ViewPoint -> {3 Cos[Pi/2], 3 Sin[Pi/2], 0}, ViewAngle -> 20 Degree], {512, 512}] Training datasets covid-chestxray-dataset ...

July 13, 2020 · 19 min · alexchen

Rosetta Covid 19 Seminar

Video address of the online seminar The screenshots in the article are from the presentation of the seminar. Since I am not a biology major, and I am interested in viral protein research, I learned some basic knowledge about protein folding, and then I watched the seminar, the first 40 minutes could be roughly understood, but in the second half was confused, perhaps because of the lack of molecular biology knowledge, I share some of my own knowledge from the video (multiple images). ...

July 7, 2020 · 5 min · alexchen

Rosetta Project Update 2020 06 26

The Rosetta@home project computationally generated and used in animal experiments an immune protein for SARS-COV-2 that could serve to protect animals from a lethal new coronavirus, which is still in the experimental phase and is being optimized. Since the beginning of April, I have run 35 Raspberry Pi 4Gs (140 cores, 280W total power consumption) to join the Rosetta@home project, and I hope to have more new results about this research project in the next six months, so it will be worth the cost of electricity and hardware. ...

June 26, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen