Polkabtc Project

Opening Reasons for choosing to support this project: believe in BTC believe in PolkaDot we need decentralized exchange Project description PolkaBTC Project is a parallel chain built on PolkaDot to bridge the BTC Chain, using the XCLAIM protocol to bridge BTC across the chain to the PolkaDot ecosystem, with a token named PolkaBTC, with BTC assets locked to the BTC chain and minted in the Polkadot system at a PolkaBTC is a token anchored to BTC in a 1:1 ratio in the Polkadot system. PolkaBTC is able to convert between parallel chains like all native tokens in the PolkaDOT ecosystem, and there is no risk of centralization in the PolkaBTC bridging project, like companies, communities, and individuals can all participate in running BTC parallel chains. ...

June 25, 2021 · 6 min · alexchen

Talk about investment

Fickle investments Most of the time we hear about investments like, oh, he made millions a year speculating in real estate, oh, people made millions by speculating in coins and achieved wealth freedom. We ourselves also look forward to seize some speculative areas to achieve huge wealth income in a relatively short period of time, however, the reality is that most people will go to collision luck, if they own a certain investment product turned tens or even hundreds of times, then you yourself have achieved financial freedom, here is a key factor, is the ability of individuals to resist risk, if a person can not resist in the investment process to lose If a person cannot resist losing most of their money in the process of investing, then I like to call the investment a flashy one, because the investor’s aim is to get rich in a short time and forget about the risks, which is my personal least favorite way of investing. ...

June 3, 2021 · 2 min · alexchen

Volcano High Perforamnce Workloads

Introduction volcano is a kubernets-based container batch engine for high-performance workload scenarios. Application scenarios: machine learning and deep learning biological and genetic computing big data applications Concepts Queue Queue holding a set of podgroups apiVersion: scheduling.volcano.sh/v1beta1 kind: Queue metadata: name: distcc spec: weight: 1 reclaimable: false capability: cpu: 50 field: weight -> The proportion of the queue in the cluster resource division, the proportion of resources occupied by the queue is: (weight / total-weight) * total-resource, soft resource constraint. ...

June 2, 2021 · 5 min · alexchen

KK Classic Quotes 1

Kevin Kelly - 著名的科技评论家,他的著作《失控》在国内外都非常有名。 语录 原文链接 Learn how to learn from those you disagree with, or even offend you. See if you can find the truth in what they believe. 学习如何从那些你不同意的,甚至是冒犯你的人身上学习。看看你是否能从他们的信仰中找到真理。 Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points. 热情是价值25个智商点。 Always demand a deadline. A deadline weeds out the extraneous and the ordinary. It prevents you from trying to make it perfect, so you have to make it different. Different is better. ...

May 8, 2021 · 9 min · alexchen

iRobot i7+

When I was in high school, I read about iRobot’s sweeping robot in New Science magazine, and I was particularly curious about the fact that there was a disc robot that swept the floor. We can do more meaningful things, such as read more books, get up later in the morning, and book the robot to help us clean our bedroom in advance when we get home at night.

March 29, 2021 · 1 min · alexchen