Against CoVid-2019

For a short video please click here About distributed computing projects I first encountered distributed computing projects during my high school graduation, and ran Boinc distributed computing platform on my laptop, the most famous of which is [seti@home](https://setiathome.berkeley .edu), the Boinc platform was developed for this project. The idea of distributed computing is that the master server splits a task into several small tasks, assigns these small tasks to the clients for computing, and sends the results of the small tasks to the master server after the clients finish computing, and the master server aggregates the results of these computations to get the execution results of the task. ...

April 24, 2020 · 14 min · alexchen

Create Gluste Filesystem Cluster

Introduction to glusterfs glusterfs A distributed network filesystem, used as a shared permanent storage filesystem in kubernetes, so I took the opportunity to study it. Build process Preparation prepare three servers that can access each other operating system Linux (ubuntu or centos) Install gluster server For details of the quick installation process, see Quick Start Guide See Install Guide for details of the installation process. Since I chose Centos 7.x as my operating system, all the following operations are done on Centos. ...

April 15, 2020 · 5 min · alexchen