
Horovod I have written an article about how to build a distributed training cluster on Raspberry Pie 4 using the distributed training system that comes with TF2.0. However, there is a drawback: we need to start the training program at each node, and the distributed training will only work after all the nodes are started. MPI is mainly used in the field of supercomputing. Building MPI cluster on Raspberry, firstly, it can be used to learn distributed computing on supercomputing, and secondly, it can observe the performance of TF> distributed training on ARMv8 in practice. ...

July 9, 2020 · 6 min · alexchen

Rosetta Covid 19 Seminar

Video address of the online seminar The screenshots in the article are from the presentation of the seminar. Since I am not a biology major, and I am interested in viral protein research, I learned some basic knowledge about protein folding, and then I watched the seminar, the first 40 minutes could be roughly understood, but in the second half was confused, perhaps because of the lack of molecular biology knowledge, I share some of my own knowledge from the video (multiple images). ...

July 7, 2020 · 5 min · alexchen

Tensorflow Lite quantification

TFlite Composition tensorflow lite interpreter Derivation on deployed hardware, which can include cell phones, microcontrollers, embedded devices. Tensorflow Lite Converter Convert models to make them smaller and reason faster. TFlite Converter Tensorflow Converter can convert models to FlatBuffers format. FlatBuffers is a cross-platform serialization tool where structured data is stored in binary form and can be used in the following ways The performance on the microcontroller is memory saving. Python Keras Converter: ...

July 2, 2020 · 1 min · alexchen

无线电领域的黑客工具 HackRFOne

July 2, 2020 · 0 min · alexchen


Target Continuing from the previous article on NFS file systems, the current requirement is to be able to control the applications running in the cluster. For example, if we need to run parallel cross-node program A, we need to schedule and stop the running program B. This requires building a messaging system that can perform operational tasks based on message drivers. This requires building a messaging system that can perform message-driven operational tasks. ## Vision and Basic Architecture Design ## ...

June 29, 2020 · 3 min · alexchen