This issue covers the virus that caused the disease and its infection process, and concludes with how to help scientists around the world accelerate the development of vaccines.
About this disease
The virus that caused this disease is SARS-Cov-2, which belongs to the coronavirus CoronaVirus family. This virus belongs to the Positive ssRNA Virus family of positive single-stranded RNA viruses.
Classification chart:
Infection process
How to help researchers
Folding@home is a distributed computing platform for studying protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. unit, and then sends it to the remote client, who submits the result to the server after completing the computation, and the server adds up the points obtained by the user. During the current SARS-Cov-2 global pandemic, the Folding@home organization has joined the program to support 2019-nCov [Folding@home takes up the fight against COVID-19 / 2019-nCoV](https:// foldingathome.org/2020/02/27/foldinghome-takes-up-the-fight-against-covid-19-2019-ncov/)
How to join
Set Cause Preference to Any in the control panel, the SARS-Cov-2 calculation is currently the highest calculation priority, and any new tasks will be distributed and processed in advance.
My current contribution:

Related screenshot information.
Another project running on the Boinc distributed platform, about Boinc