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The enigma of consciousness has long been a subject of fascination, yet its fundamental nature remains a mystery. Recent research suggests that quantum mechanics may hold the key to understanding the origins of consciousness. In this blog post, we’ll explore the intriguing proposal that quantum processes create conscious experience, and delve into the latest ideas on this topic.

The Problem of Consciousness:

Consciousness is more than just a product of intelligence; it’s a subjective experience that cannot be reduced to mere computations. The disconnect between intelligence and consciousness is a long-standing puzzle, as anyone who has experienced pain can attest – it absorbs all our conscious awareness, yet nothing particularly intelligent is going on. The hard sciences have been skeptical about this topic due to the lack of a protocol to measure conscious experiences independently.

A Quantum Conjecture:

Hartmut Neven and his team propose that conscious experience arises whenever a quantum mechanical superposition forms. This idea, inspired by Roger Penrose’s 1989 theory, suggests that the structure of the superposition determines the qualia (the raw, immediate experience) of the experience. Quantum entanglement naturally solves the binding problem, ensuring the unity of phenomenal experience.

A Modified Proposal:

However, a recent proposal by some researchers suggests that the original proposal by Penrose needs refinement. They propose that a conscious moment occurs whenever a superposition forms, not when it collapses. This modification is necessary to avoid the possibility of faster-than-light communication and sidesteps the conceptual problem of defining when exactly a measurement occurs. This proposal is firmly rooted in Everett’s many worlds’ formulation of quantum mechanics.

Implications and Experiments:

If this conjecture holds true, it would have far-reaching implications for our understanding of consciousness and its relationship with the physical world. The researchers outline a research program to experimentally test their idea through a sequence of quantum biology experiments. These experiments aim to explore the connection between quantum processes and conscious experience, potentially leading to the development of brain-quantum computer interfaces.

A Multiverse Perspective:

The idea of a multiverse, where parallel worlds are spawning all the time, has perplexed physicists since quantum physics was invented. Hugh Everett’s 1957 doctoral thesis was the first to notice that the equations of quantum mechanics, if taken literally, describe a multiverse composed of co-existing parallel worlds. This perspective offers an attractive explanation of consciousness: Consciousness is how we experience the emergence of one unique classical reality from the many the multiverse is composed of.

The Role of Entanglement:

Entanglement, a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, plays a crucial role in the proposal that conscious experience arises from quantum processes. Entanglement solves the binding problem, ensuring the unity of phenomenal experience. The number of degrees of freedom involved in the entanglement bound the amount and content of consciousness. This idea is rooted in the concept of integrated information theory, which provides a principled way to quantify the content of an experience.

Quantifying Consciousness:

To quantify the content of an experience in a principled manner, the Φ-measures proposed by a quantum mechanical instantiation of integrated information theory seem advantageous. These measures, such as those proposed by Zanardi et al. in 2018 and Albantakis et al. in 2023, offer a way to calculate the integrated information of a quantum system, providing insight into the nature of conscious experience.

Experimental Approaches:

Recent research has proposed several experimental approaches to investigate the relationship between quantum mechanics and consciousness. These include:

  • Mediating entanglement between two room temperature qubits via a biological substrate: This approach involves coupling two well-characterized qubits to a biological system, such as a microtubule or a receptor protein, and observing whether entanglement can be mediated through the biological system.
  • Using isotopes of xenon to study the effects of quantum systems on consciousness: This approach involves exposing subjects to different isotopes of xenon, which have varying nuclear spin properties, and observing the effects on consciousness.

These experimental approaches offer a promising way to investigate the relationship between quantum mechanics and consciousness, and may provide new insights into the nature of conscious experience.


The origins of consciousness remain a mystery, but the latest research suggests that quantum mechanics might hold the key. The proposal that quantum processes create conscious experience is a radical idea that challenges our current understanding of the human mind. As we continue to explore the boundaries of consciousness, we may uncover new ways to expand our awareness and push the limits of human experience.

Reference Paper

Testing the Conjecture That Quantum Processes Create Conscious Experience


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